Welcome to the BioID Playground!

We invite you to experiment our technologies and test our demos, all based on our APIs: Check photo and video material with our Deepfake detector. Enroll with a few images and test our face recognition. Challenge our liveness detection, test PhotoVerify for ID ownership verification and create biometric ID photos with Pic4Pass. If you want to learn more about our APIs and the BioID Web Service, please proceed to the Developer Documentation. Contact us to learn more.

BioID Playground requires you to sign in

To perform biometric operations on the playground first you have to
Sign in or register

Registration is needed to create storage for your biometric template so you can be recognized on subsequent visits to this site. No personal information is needed for registration but you must supply a valid and confirmed email address, e.g. for the password reset procedure.

Your templates and samples as well as all other account information will be removed if your account has been inactive for over a period of time (you will receive a reminder email from us before your account is deleted) or if you follow the account removal link on your BioID account.